Deal a Meal

No time for dinner?  Wonder what to cook? Stuck in a rut? You need Deal a Meal!!

What is deal a meal, you ask?  It is my favorite way to plan out the menu and the grocery list for the week.  

Here is what you do:
1.  Write your family's favorite meals on one side of an index card.
2.  Write the ingredients on the other side.
3.  Shuffle the cards and deal out seven, one for each day of the week.
4. Take the cards with you to the store since the ingredients are on the back (no more grocery lists to write).
5.  Keep the cards handy all week (I have mine in my cub scout recipe holder).

Deal a meal makes meal planning simple, random, and stress free.  Meal making is simplified since all the ingredients are in the house. The family is happy to have healthy, nutritious, home cooked dinners!

Tip:  Add a new card to the deck each month so your deck of meals keeps growing.


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