
I had the craziest thing happen as I was driving my youngest son to a birthday party at a good friend's house in a neighborhood near our home.  On the main road out of the neighborhood, I couldn't help but notice the car in front of me.  It was a white car decorated with shoe polish on the windows.  It drew my attention, probably everyone's attention,  because of the words on the back windshield, "honk if you are h- - - - -".  Wow...why would you put THAT on your car unless you needed attention?  Certainly drew the eye right to the rear window of that car.

The car seemed to be going where I was because it left our subdivision and was heading toward the adjacent neighborhood.  As I turned to go up the steep hill into the neighborhood, the white car pulled off to the side of the road. As I went around him, I verified it was indeed a teen aged boy.  As I continued up the hill,  he pulled back onto the street behind me.

My mom radar was instantly activated.  Since this was a bit out of the ordinary, I kept an eye out in the rear view mirror.  I turned right, he turned right.  I pulled into my friend's driveway and he stopped his car on the street right behind me.  Creepy.  He was following ME!   Stalker alert!

My brain went into overdrive.  I had lots of options. I could honk, phone my friend, call the cops, or drive away.

"Let's go, mom, " my son said gathering the gifts and grabbing the car door handle.
"Hang on a minute," I said calmly. "We are a bit early. Let's just sit here in the car for a minute."

As we waited, I formulated my plan.  I would stay put, right here in the driveway.  I left the car running, locked the doors, and chatted with my son about the big sleep over party.  He had no idea how much I was multi-tasking as we chit chatted about how fun it would be to sleep in a tent with his buddies.  I was on high alert!

Then,  from my mirror, I saw him get out of his car and walk up the driveway towards the driver's side of my car.  I cracked the window.

He put his arms up and said, "Sorry if I scared you by following you. I have been followed four times and it has freaked me out.  I thought you were following me, so I pulled over. Then I started following you."

"Wait a minute, you are following me because you thought I was following you?",  I asked.  To my logical brain, this just made no sense.  So crazy, the kid who was said he was scared of being stalked, became a stalker.

About this time, my friend came out of the house and said, "What are you doing here?"

The teen stalker stammered a few words and went down to his car and took off.  That was it, the end of the bizarre birthday trip in the neighborhood with a teen creeping on me.

I always think after strange events, what did I learn from this experience.

Here's what I came up with:
1.  It is always important to be aware of your surroundings.
2.  Being calm is a good thing.
3.  Note to my stalker:  If it freaks you out to be followed, don't follow someone else!


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