The Wisdom Run

I was lucky to spend the last day of my college son’s winter break on a long run with him.  As we jogged along, I was panting, struggling to talk while he was running effortlessly, gliding along with long smooth strides like a deer.

“I could do a marathon at this pace,” he said.  “We are just shuffling along.”

“Shuffling along for you is hard work for me,” I replied.  “You make this look so easy.”

“It’s not rocket science, mom.  You are good at what you spend time with. You spend your time watching TV and you are good at channel surfing, you spend time running you get good at running,” he said.

You are good at what you spend time at.  

Simple, yet so very profound.  Spend time getting good at something.  Don’t get discouraged. Know that the more time you spend on it, the better you become.  If we want to be something, we need to be the one to go after it. Don’t be our own brick wall to moving forward.

Think how you spend your time.  What do you want to get good at?


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