The Watto Disaster

SUNDAY! My favorite morning of the whole week!  I had in vision a slow morning with a tantalizing homemade breakfast.  The smell of bacon and sausage began to waft in the air when the calm morning was pierced with a shrill shriek from my youngest son as he discovered his Lego action figure, Watto, had been injured.

Watto met with the sharp teeth of a puppy, the likes of which do not inhabit Tatooine.  We rushed Watto to our trauma center where he was triaged by the best of the best, our oldest kids.  The prognosis was clear, Watto needed immediate neck surgery, using the latest technology for Lego people, SUPER GLUE!  My son was not too excited about the idea, but being assured that the only side effect of super glue surgery was a shiny neck, he went with the risk of repair!

Watto is now resting comfortably on top the fridge, far from harms way!  The adorable, white, furry, 12-pound opponent apologized profusely and had been banned from entering all rooms with Legos.  If only dogs had money, they could pay for the hospital bill or a new Watto.

Lesson Learned: 
Crazy things happen every day that are beyond our control.  It is up to us to control the one thing we can, our attitude.

Ways to make a bad day happy?  
1.  SMILE!! When we smile, others smile too.  They don’t even need to know we had a bad morning.

2.  Dance it out. Nothing like dancing the Interlude or the Dougie to get your blood pumping and forget your troubles.


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