The Lunch Line

In middle school, lunch is a big deal; the lunch line, even bigger. When the bell rings, it is a mad dash to line up. Of course, if you are first, you get the longest lunch and the best choices on the menu. Needless to say, the front is where it is at.

Although it is against the rules, many people in the front offer “cuts” to friends or to popular people they are trying to impress. These lucky middle schoolers are pulled up from the back of the pack right to the front. The end of the line becomes like the island of misfits. There, at the end of the line, is always the same girl. She is chubby, has greasy hair, and wears clothes fits as tight as a glove. She is always alone.

One night at dinner, my 14 year old daughter announced that she offered cuts to this girl. She said that her face lit up, she rushed up to the front of the line and chatted and chatted about her day. She smiled and thanked my daughter for giving her cuts.

My daughter remarked, “You know mom, it really wasn’t that hard to make someone’s day a little better. All I did was give her cuts and few minutes of my time. That was all. I could really tell that I made her day by the way her eyes sparkled. For those few minutes in line, she felt special and popular.”

What a profound lesson we can all learn from lunch line. Can you make a difference right where are you are today?


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